
热闹用英语怎么说 热闹用英语怎么说用英语怎么说

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热闹用英语怎么说 热闹用英语怎么说用英语怎么说摘要: 热闹用英语怎么说?读音:rè nao 英文:lively 词义:(景象)繁盛活跃:大街上人山人海,非常热闹。使场面活跃,精神愉快:国庆节请大家来热闹一下。热闹的景象:看热闹。热闹...


读音:rè nao 英文:lively 词义:(景象)繁盛活跃:大街上人山人海,非常热闹。使场面活跃,精神愉快:国庆节请大家来热闹一下。热闹的景象:看热闹。

热闹的英文:lively。热闹的英语还有 lively;fun;boisterous;swing;liven up;bustling with activity;bustling with noise and excitement;have a jolly time;abustle and astir。

hilarious (欢闹的,热闹的):The party got quite hilarious after they brought more wine.当他们拿来更多葡萄酒後聚会变得十分热闹起来。

热闹: [ rè nao ] lively bustling with noise and excitement 其它相关解释:liveliness jollification hot up 例句与用法: 我的女儿还小,我不喜欢住在热闹的马路旁。

热闹 lively bustling with noise and excitement boisterous 例:a food market bustling with activity; a busy food market;热闹的菜市场 The street is bustling.大街上热闹得很。

热闹:jollification 冷清:冷清可以形容很多情况,一下子不好说,给你一些例句你看看吧 The meeting was very dull.会议开得冷冷清靖。


热闹的英文:lively。热闹的英语还有 lively;fun;boisterous;swing;liven up;bustling with activity;bustling with noise and excitement;have a jolly time;abustle and astir。

热闹: [ rè nao ] lively bustling with noise and excitement 其它相关解释:liveliness jollification hot up 例句与用法: 我的女儿还小,我不喜欢住在热闹的马路旁。

热闹 lively bustling with noise and excitement boisterous 例:a food market bustling with activity; a busy food market;热闹的菜市场 The street is bustling.大街上热闹得很。

热闹:jollification 冷清:冷清可以形容很多情况,一下子不好说,给你一些例句你看看吧 The meeting was very dull.会议开得冷冷清靖。


1、热闹的英文:lively。热闹的英语还有 lively;fun;boisterous;swing;liven up;bustling with activity;bustling with noise and excitement;have a jolly time;abustle and astir。

2、热闹: [ rè nao ] lively bustling with noise and excitement 其它相关解释:liveliness jollification hot up 例句与用法: 我的女儿还小,我不喜欢住在热闹的马路旁。

3、热闹 lively bustling with noise and excitement boisterous 例:a food market bustling with activity; a busy food market;热闹的菜市场 The street is bustling.大街上热闹得很。

4、in full swing:活跃;正在全力进行中 Many music festivals and concerts are in full swing this summer.还有2个单词也有热闹的意思:teeming,boisterous。不过后者boisterous偏“喧闹的”含义。

5、热闹:jollification 冷清:冷清可以形容很多情况,一下子不好说,给你一些例句你看看吧 The meeting was very dull.会议开得冷冷清靖。

6、[热闹]百科解释 热闹,指使场面活跃,精神愉快,热闹的场景。语出《朱子语类》卷二五:“季氏初心也须知其为不安,然见这八佾人数热闹,便自忍而用之。